Baseband modulations with Raspberry Pi2

Pulse Amplitude Modulation - Raspberry Pi

Pulse Amplitude Modulation - Raspberry Pi

Simulink Project

Pulse Amplitude Modulation - Raspberry Pi
2-PAM Modulator
Pulse Amplitude Modulation - Raspberry Pi
2-PAM Modulator with rect filter
Pulse Amplitude Modulation - Raspberry Pi
4-PAM Modulator
Pulse Amplitude Modulation - Raspberry Pi
4-PAM Modulator with Rect Filter

Example Measurement

Pulse Amplitude Modulation - Raspberry Pi
2-PAM Signal
Pulse Amplitude Modulation - Raspberry Pi
2-PAM with Rect Filter Signal
Pulse Amplitude Modulation - Raspberry Pi
4-PAM Signal
Pulse Amplitude Modulation - Raspberry Pi
4-PAM with Rect Filter Signal

